BRINT Institute

The BRINT Institute (short for 'Business Research in Information and Technology') is a New York based social enterprise focused on Business Technology Management and Knowledge Management research and education founded in 1994. It was originally conceived to bridge the gaps between business and technology, data and knowledge, and theory and practice [1]. It was behind the creation of globally popular content and community portals on Business Technology Management and Knowledge Management. It created the WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management for the World Wide Web Virtual Library. Its work has been referenced by many management and business magazines and journals since early popularity of the World Wide Web.[2] It is indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge by Thomson Scientific.


  1. ^ Fortune, Special issue on 'Knowledge Economy', June '98;
  2. ^ Information Week, April 1, 1995; WebMaster, Jan/Feb 1996; Marketing Tools (Dow Jones), June 1996; Computerworld, Best Web Site, December 23, 1996; Government Executive, Aug. 5, 1996; The Wall Street Journal, October 19, 1996; Syllabus, Top Education Site for Educators interested in Technology, October, 1996; Fortune, Smart Managing: Web Sites for Managers, November 11, 1996; San Jose Mercury News, December 18, 1996; The Strategist Quarterly, Dec. 1996 - Feb. 1997, p. 25; Harvard Management Update, February 1997, Volume II, Number 2; New York Times, February 13, 1997; Forbes ASAP, Tools to Raise Your Company's IQ, April 7, 1997, p. 64; Information Week, September 29, 1997; Fast Company, Oct-Nov, 1997; The Wall Street Journal, December 16, 1997; The Wall Street Journal, January 9, 1998; Chief Executive, Jan/Feb 1998; Information Week March 9, 1998; Los Angeles Times, May 25, 1998; Pioneer Planet,Most Useful and Thoughtful Web Sites for Business People, September 13, 1998; Business Week, What Every CEO Should Know, March 22, 1999;

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